Tiverton Wastewater District
About Us

About Us

Our mission is to safeguard public health, protect and improve ground and surface water resources by implementing efficient and effective wastewater management within the Tiverton Wastewater District in Tiverton, Rhode Island.

Board Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month.  View the Board Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes on the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s Open Meetings Portal .

To request an item to be placed on the Board Meeting Agenda, or if you would like to appear before the Board please fill out THIS REQUEST FORM and submit it to Info@TWWD.org 5 days in advance of the Board Meeting.

To make a request through the Rhode Island Open Meetings Law, or Access to Public Records, please fill out an APRA request form.

District Staff

Executive Director:  Mark Nimiroski

District Engineer:  Angelo S. Liberti, P.E.

Superintendent:  Chris Nearpass

Office Manager:  Patricia Nannini

Bookkeeper:  Donna Forcier


You may email any staff member at Info@TWWD.org or call 1-401-625-6701